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Recipe: Homemade Traditional Mead

Making Homemade Traditional Mead

Approx. Reading time: About 2 Minutes

Making Homemade Traditional Mead


Nectar of the North

Crafted with the utmost reverence for the olden traditions, this recipe transforms simple ingredients—pure honey, spring water, and the magic of yeast—into a golden elixir that captures the essence of winter’s strength and resilience. As you follow these steps, you not only create a beverage steeped in history but also embark on a magical process that infuses each sip with the transformative energies of the North. Uncover the secrets of this time-honored recipe, a true nectar that pays homage to the traditions of mead-making and the mystical spirit of the North.

Spell for Mead-Making

Before sealing the fermentation vessel, take a moment to infuse your mead with intentions. Speak words of creativity, transformation, and unity. As you savor the final product, acknowledge the magical journey it underwent:

“In honey’s essence, sweetness flows,

With water’s purity, transformation grows.

Yeast, the spark of life, within,

Mead’s magic weaves, let the dance begin.”

May your homemade traditional mead be a delightful embodiment of magic, transformation, and the essence of the North. Skål!

Magical Properties

  • Honey: Symbolizes sweetness, prosperity, and unity.
  • Water: Represents purity and the fluidity of energies.
  • Yeast: Signifies transformation and the essence of life.
  • Optional Flavorings: Add magical correspondences based on your chosen ingredients.

Recipe: Homemade Traditional Mead

Nectar of the North – Crafted with the utmost reverence for the olden traditions, this recipe transforms simple ingredients—pure honey, spring water, and the magic of yeast—into a golden elixir that captures the essence of winter’s strength and resilience. As you follow these steps, you not only create a beverage steeped in history but also embark on a magical process that infuses each sip with the transformative energies of the North. Uncover the secrets of this time-honored recipe, a true nectar that pays homage to the traditions of mead-making and the mystical spirit of the North.
Prep Time30 minutes
Fermentation14 days
Total Time14 days 30 minutes
Servings: 16
Calories: 230kcal
Author: Theo, Witch


  • 1-gallon fermentation vessel glass or food-grade plastic
  • Airlock
  • Siphon or funnel
  • Sanitizer for sterilizing equipment


  • 3 lbs (1.36 kg) honey choose a high-quality, raw honey for best flavor
  • 1 gallon (3.8 liters) water preferably spring water
  • 1 packet of wine yeast choose a yeast suitable for mead, like Lalvin D-47
  • 1 teaspoon yeast nutrient
  • Additional flavorings like fruits, spices, or herbs Optional: e.g., orange peel, cinnamon sticks


  • Sanitize Everything: Ensure all equipment is thoroughly sanitized to prevent unwanted microbes from affecting your mead.
  • Mixing the Must: In a large pot, heat a small amount of water and dissolve the honey in it. Once dissolved, add this honey mixture to your fermentation vessel.
  • Adding Water: Add the remaining water to the fermentation vessel, ensuring it’s cool to room temperature.
  • Pitching Yeast: Sprinkle the wine yeast over the surface of the must. Let it sit for a few minutes, then gently stir to incorporate.
  • Adding Nutrients: Add the yeast nutrient to provide essential elements for yeast health.
  • Optional Flavorings: If you want to infuse additional flavors, add your optional ingredients (e.g., orange peel, cinnamon sticks) to the must.
  • Sealing the Fermentation Vessel: Seal the fermentation vessel with an airlock. This allows gases produced during fermentation to escape while preventing outside air from entering.
  • Fermentation: Place the vessel in a cool, dark place and let it ferment. Primary fermentation may take 2-4 weeks, depending on conditions.
  • Racking (Optional): After primary fermentation, you can rack the mead (transfer it to another vessel) to leave sediment behind.
  • Bulk Aging (Optional): Let the mead age in bulk for a few months, allowing flavors to develop.
  • Bottling: Once the mead is clear and tastes to your liking, it’s time to bottle. Use sanitized bottles and corks or caps.
  • Aging: Allow bottled mead to age further, if desired. Mead tends to improve with age.

Recipe: Homemade Traditional Mead

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The Equinox Apothecary

© The Equinox Apothecary 2024 – Permission is granted to copy and reproduce this Recipe with attribution


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