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Welcome to our blog, a place where you can find a variety of articles on all kinds of witchy subjects. Whether you are interested in learning more about foraging, recipes, deities, or any other topic that relates to witchcraft and paganism, you will find something that sparks your curiosity and inspires your practice.

Our blog is a space for sharing our thoughts, experiences, and knowledge on the magical arts and the natural world. We aim to provide you with informative, engaging, and creative content that covers different aspects and perspectives of witchcraft and paganism. We also hope to create a community of like-minded people who can exchange ideas, feedback, and support.

We are always interested in guest bloggers, who can contribute their own unique voice and expertise to our blog. If you have a passion for writing and a topic that you would like to share with us and our readers, please use the [contact us] form and let us know. We would love to hear from you and feature your work on our site.

Thank you for visiting our blog and for your interest and support. We hope you enjoy reading our articles and finding something that resonates with you and your practice. Happy reading and blessed be!

All Blog Categories


Explore the Recipes category, where you will find delicious and magical dishes for every sabbat and ritual. Learn about the history, traditions, and symbolism of food in witchcraft and paganism.


    Recipe: Summer Strawberry Rhubarb Pies

    To honor the magic of summer, we have a recipe for a delicious strawberry rhubarb pie that is sure to delight your taste buds and enchant your senses.

    Recipe: Moon Milk: Summer’s Brew

    To honor the magic of the summer moon, we have a recipe for a delicious variant of Moon Milk featuring Lavender and Cherry .


    Discover how to forage for magical plants for witchcraft. Explore the benefits, ethics, and safety of foraging, and the magic of different plants.

    Foraging Posts

    Foraging: Epazote

    Uncover the secrets of Epazote, a versatile herb with rich culinary, medicinal, and mystical applications. Learn how to forage and use this wild edible.

    Foraging: Lamb’s Quarter

    Lambs Quarter
    Explore the enchanting world of Lamb’s Quarter, a versatile wild edible offering a blend of culinary delight and ancient herbal wisdom.


    Learn about the various deities that are worshipped or invoked by witches and pagans. Explore their history, mythology, symbolism, and how to work with them.

    Deities Posts

    Hecate Across the Lunar Phases

    Hecate Lunar Cycle
    Delve into the rituals and offerings dedicated to Hecate, the goddess of the moon, as we celebrate the dark moon’s transformative energy.

    Embracing Ostara

    Horned God & Goddess
    Discover the essence of Ostara, a time marking the return of light and life through the rebirth of the Horned God and his union with the Goddess.


    Read our blog articles on various topics that don’t fit into any other category. Explore our diverse and eclectic views and experiences on witchcraft and paganism.

    Misc Posts


    Explore the ancient monument that connects humanity with the cosmos, and learn how the Druids revered this sacred site.

    Comparing Witch Archetypes

    Comparing Witch Archetypes
    How to understand the different types of witchcraft, Wicca, and Paganism, and how they relate to the witch archetype.

    All Blog Posts


    Foraging: Epazote

    ByTheo, WitchJul 5, 2024
    Uncover the secrets of Epazote, a versatile herb with rich culinary, medicinal, and mystical applications. Learn how to forage and use this wild edible.
    Lambs Quarter

    Foraging: Lamb’s Quarter

    ByTheo, WitchJun 24, 2024
    Explore the enchanting world of Lamb’s Quarter, a versatile wild edible offering a blend of culinary delight and ancient herbal wisdom.
    Sun Shaped Bread

    Recipe: Sun-Shaped Bread

    ByTheo, WitchJun 18, 2024
    Join our Litha festivities with a warm, homemade Sun-Shaped Bread that embodies the spirit of the summer solstice.
    Colorful Fruit Salad

    Recipe: Colorful Summer Salad

    ByWebmasterJun 17, 2024
    Celebrate the sun’s power with our Colorful Summer Salad, a refreshing mix of fruits that captures the essence of Litha.
    Hecate Lunar Cycle

    Hecate Across the Lunar Phases

    ByTheo, WitchMay 10, 2024
    Delve into the rituals and offerings dedicated to Hecate, the goddess of the moon, as we celebrate the dark moon’s transformative energy.
    Mayday Strawberry Shortcake

    Recipe: Mayday Strawberry Shortcake

    ByTheo, WitchApr 20, 2024
    Embrace the season’s sweetness with our Mayday Strawberry Shortcake. A treat to delight your taste buds!
    Mayday Colorful Spaghetti

    Recipe: Mayday Colorful Spaghetti

    ByTheo, WitchApr 19, 2024
    Embrace spring’s abundance with our Mayday Colorful Spaghetti. A feast for the senses!
    Wild Mushrooms with Baked Goat Cheese

    Recipe: Wild Mushrooms with Baked Goat Cheese

    ByTheo, WitchApr 15, 2024
    Embrace forest flavors with our Springtime Wild Mushrooms. Creamy goat cheese and umami magic await!
    Beltane Blossom Salad

    Recipe: Beltane Blossom Salad

    ByTheo, WitchApr 12, 2024
    Embrace Beltane’s vitality with our colorful Blossom Salad. Bursting with flavor and magic.

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