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The Practitioner’s

Welcome to the Practitioner’s Handbook

A free resource for all levels of practitioners of the Craft.

Whether you’re a beginner or an expert in the field of witchcraft, we have everything you need to deepen your knowledge and enhance your practice. Our handbook is divided into several sections to help find what you need: Sabbats, Divination, Spellwork, and the Practitioner’s Blog. You’ll find tips, information, rituals, recipes, guides, and more in each section. As an authority on witchcraft and pagan traditions, we strive to provide you with the most comprehensive and accurate information available and we add new articles weekly.

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Recipe: Herbed Root Vegetable Medley

Making Herbed Root Vegetable Medley
Herbed Root Vegetable Medley side dish, a dish that adds a burst of flavors and textures to your Father’s Night Feast.

Recipe: Cranberry Pecan Wild Rice

Making Cranberry Pecan Wild Rice
Yuletide is a time to honor the winter solstice and the return of the light. One of the ways to celebrate this occasion is with a Cranberry Pecan Wild Rice side dish, a dish that adds a burst of flavors and textures to your Father’s Night Feast.

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A place to find miscellaneous ramblings on all manner of witchy subjects that do not fit neatly into any category.


Ostara is a Lesser Sabbat and marks the Spring Equinox when day and night balance. Called Ostara after the Saxon Goddess Eostre, this is a time of renewal, regeneration, and resurrection.


Imbolc is the time to sort out any pressing matters, such as making peace with those you’re in conflict with, returning borrowed items, and reconnecting with family and friends.