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Ritual: Crafting a Prosperity Charm for Mabon

Prosperity Charm

Approx. Reading time: About 4 Minutes

Prosperity Charm


Welcoming Abundance and Balance

Mabon, the Autumn Equinox, is a time of balance, reflection, and gratitude as day and night stand in perfect equilibrium. As we gather the harvest and prepare for the coming winter, it is also a powerful moment to invite abundance and prosperity into our lives. Crafting a Prosperity Charm during Mabon is a meaningful way to harness the energies of the season and set intentions for financial stability, growth, and well-being. This ritual guides you through creating a Prosperity Charm that aligns with the themes of Mabon and invites the blessings of abundance into your home and life.

Ritual Basics

Before beginning any ritual, it is important to prepare yourself mentally and physically. You may want to take a cleansing bath, or shower, and meditate or perform some grounding exercises to center yourself. Gather any materials you will need, such as candles, incense, and offerings for the forest spirits.

You can read a more detailed Ritual Preparation guide here.

Prosperity Charm
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Ritual: Crafting a Prosperity Charm for Mabon

Mabon, the Autumn Equinox, is a time of balance, reflection, and gratitude. As we gather the harvest and prepare for winter, this ritual guides you in crafting a Prosperity Charm to invite abundance and financial stability into your life. Align with the season’s energies and set intentions for growth and well-being through this meaningful practice.
Prep Time5 minutes
Ritual Time10 minutes
Total Time15 minutes
Ritual Type: Mabon
Type: Rituals
Makes: 1 Charm
Author: Theo, Witch


  • A small green or gold pouch symbolizing wealth and prosperity
  • A pen and small piece of parchment paper
  • A candle preferably green or gold


  • Green aventurine or citrine crystal for abundance and success
  • Cinnamon stick for financial gain and protection
  • Bay leaf for wishes and prosperity
  • Dried basil or mint for money attraction and luck
  • A piece of gold or green ribbon for tying the charm
  • A coin or token that holds personal significance for financial stability
  • Incense such as sandalwood or frankincense or sage for cleansing
  • A candle preferably green or gold



  • Cleansing Your Space and Tools: Begin by cleansing your ritual space and tools. Light the incense or sage and allow the smoke to purify the area where you will be crafting your Prosperity Charm. Pass each item you will be using through the smoke, setting the intention to clear any lingering negative or stagnant energy.
  • Setting Your Intention: Take a moment to ground yourself and focus on your intention. Reflect on what prosperity means to you, whether it is financial wealth, career success, personal growth, or abundance in love and happiness. Visualize these desires as clearly as possible and feel the energy of gratitude for the prosperity you are calling into your life.
  • Writing Your Intention: On a small piece of parchment paper, write down your intention or wish for prosperity. Be specific and positive in your wording, focusing on what you wish to attract rather than what you want to avoid. For example, "I attract financial abundance and stability into my life, allowing me to prosper and thrive."

Crafting the Prosperity Charm

    Assembling the Charm:

    • Place the green aventurine or citrine crystal into the pouch, saying, “This crystal carries the energy of abundance and success, guiding wealth and prosperity into my life.”
    • Add the cinnamon stick, saying, “Cinnamon brings protection and financial gain, ensuring my prosperity grows and is safeguarded.”
    • Place the bay leaf into the pouch, saying, “This bay leaf carries my wish for prosperity, sending it out into the universe to be fulfilled.”
    • Add the dried basil or mint, saying, “This herb attracts money and luck, drawing prosperity to me in all forms.”
    • Place the coin or token into the pouch, saying, “This token represents financial stability and abundance, grounding wealth in my life.”

    Empowering the Charm:

    • Carefully fold your parchment paper with the written intention and place it into the pouch. Hold the pouch in your hands and close your eyes, visualizing your intention becoming reality. Feel the energy of abundance flowing into the charm, imbuing it with power and purpose.
    • Tie the pouch closed with the gold or green ribbon, saying, “With this ribbon, I seal my intention for prosperity and abundance. May it flow into my life with ease and grace.”

    Activating the Charm

    • Candle Lighting: Light the green or gold candle, focusing on the flame as a symbol of your intention being ignited and brought to life. Pass the Prosperity Charm over the flame (taking care not to burn it), saying, "As this flame burns, so too does my intention for prosperity grow and manifest."
    • Final Blessing: Hold the charm close to your heart and offer a final blessing: "With the energy of Mabon and the balance of the equinox, I call upon the forces of abundance, prosperity, and success. May this charm bring wealth, growth, and happiness into my life. So mote it be."
    • Placing the Charm: Place the Prosperity Charm in a location where it will continuously work for you—such as in your purse, near your workspace, or in a place of prominence in your home.

    Closing the Ritual

    • Expressing Gratitude: Take a moment to express gratitude to the energies, deities, or spirits you may have invoked during the ritual. Thank them for their guidance and for blessing your charm with their presence.
    • Releasing the Circle (if Cast): If you cast a circle, now is the time to release it. Thank the elements and gently open the circle, allowing the energy to return to the Earth.
    • Grounding Yourself: Ground any remaining energy by placing your hands on the Earth or by eating a small piece of bread or fruit.

    © The Equinox Apothecary 2024 – Permission is granted to copy and reproduce this Ritual with attribution


    By crafting a Prosperity Charm during Mabon, you align yourself with the powerful energies of balance, harvest, and abundance that the season brings. This charm is not only a tool for attracting wealth and prosperity but also a reminder of your connection to the natural cycles and the boundless potential within you. As you carry or display your charm, may it serve as a beacon of the prosperity you seek, guiding you towards a future filled with abundance and success. Blessed Be.


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