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Ritual: Mixed Berry Sangria

Approx. Reading time: About 2 Minutes


Mixed Berry Sangria

Sangria is a delicious and refreshing drink that originated in Spain and Portugal. It is made with wine, fruit, liquor, and sometimes soda or juice. Sangria is perfect for summer parties and gatherings, but did you know that it can also be used for magic?

In this blog post, we will share with you a simple and fun ritual that you can do with your friends or family using sangria. This spell is based on the magical properties of the berries used in the sangria. By combining these berries, you create a powerful blend of energies that harmonize and amplify their magical properties.

Ritual Basics

Before beginning any ritual, it is important to prepare yourself mentally and physically. You may want to take a cleansing bath, or shower, and meditate or perform some grounding exercises to center yourself. Gather any materials you will need, such as candles, incense, and offerings for the forest spirits.

You can read a more detailed Ritual Preparation guide here.

This spell is ideal for celebrating life and nature, empowering yourself and others, and attracting joy and abundance. All you need is a pitcher of sangria, some candles, and a good intention. Read on to find out how to make this spell and enjoy the magic of sangria!

This spell is ideal for celebrating life and nature, empowering yourself and others, and attracting joy and abundance. All you need is a pitcher of sangria, some candles, and a good intention. Read on to find out how to make this spell and enjoy the magic of sangria!

  • Blackberries represent protection and healing
  • blueberries signify wisdom and psychic abilities
  • Raspberries symbolize love and passion,
  • Strawberries embody fertility and transformation. By drinking this sangria, you invite these energies into your life and manifest your intentions.
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Ritual: Mixed Berry Sangria

Ritual Time1 hour
Total Time1 hour
Ritual Type: Beltane, Litha, Summer
Type: Rituals
Author: Philip, Dragon Kin


  • A pitcher of Mixed Berry Sangria
  • A wine glass for each participant
  • 1 white candle
  • 1 red candle
  • 1 blue candle
  • 1 purple candle


  • Light the candles one at a time and place them around the pitcher of sangria in a circle. The white candle represents the spirit, the red candle represents love and passion, the blue candle represents wisdom and psychic abilities, and the purple candle represents protection and healing.
  • Invite the participants to join you in the circle and hold hands. Say:
    “We gather here today to celebrate the magic of life and nature. We honor the spirit that dwells within us and connects us to all things. We invoke the power of the four elements: earth, air, fire, and water. We bless this drink with our intention and gratitude.”
  • Pour some sangria into each wine glass and hand them to the participants. Say:
    “This drink is a symbol of our harmony and abundance. It contains the essence of the berries that nourish our bodies and souls. Blackberries for protection and healing, blueberries for wisdom and psychic abilities, raspberries for love and passion, and strawberries for fertility and transformation. As we drink this sangria, we invite these energies into our lives.”
  • Raise your glass and toast to your intention. Say:
    “May this drink fill us with joy and magic. May it empower us to manifest our dreams and desires. May it bring us peace and harmony with ourselves and others. Blessed be.”
  • Drink the sangria and enjoy the moment. Thank the spirit, the elements, and the berries for their gifts. Extinguish the candles and close the circle.

© The Equinox Apothecary 2024 – Permission is granted to copy and reproduce this Ritual with attribution


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