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Celtic Ogham Divination

Approx. Reading time: About 24 Minutes


Celtic Ogham Divination

If you are interested in exploring the ancient wisdom and magic of the Celtic culture, you may want to learn about the Celtic Ogham Divination. This is a form of divination that uses the Ogham alphabet, a system of 25 letters that each correspond to a tree or plant. The Ogham alphabet was created by the god Ogma, who was a master of eloquence and learning. He used the alphabet to record events and communicate with otherworldly beings.

In this blog post, you will learn more about the origin and meaning of the Ogham alphabet, and how you can use it for divination purposes.

Celtic Ogham Divination

The Celtic Ogham Divination is an ancient form of divination that uses the Ogham alphabet, which dates to around the 4th century. The Ogham alphabet is believed to have originated in Ireland and was used by the Druids as a means of communication, recording events and for magical purposes. The Ogham alphabet consists of 25 letters and a handful of symbols for writing purposes, each of which is represented by a tree or plant.

The alphabet consists of a series of strokes or lines carved into stones or wood, and each stroke represents a different letter. The Ogham alphabet is said to have been created by the god Ogma, and it was used primarily for carving inscriptions on stone, bone, or wood.

The God Ogma

Ogma is a god from Irish mythology, who was considered the patron of eloquence and learning. He was known as the “Honey-Tongued,” due to his ability to craft beautiful speeches and persuade others with his words. Ogma was also revered for his exceptional physical strength and was often depicted as a warrior wielding a club.

In Irish myth, Ogma was said to have created the Ogham alphabet, a system of 25 letters used for writing the Irish language. According to legend, he invented the script to preserve knowledge and wisdom, and the letters themselves were inspired by the shapes of various trees.

Ogma was a member of the Tuatha Dé Danann, a race of supernatural beings who were said to have ruled over Ireland before the arrival of the Celts. He was one of the champions of the Tuatha Dé in their battles against the Formorians, a race of monstrous beings who sought to conquer Ireland. Despite his physical prowess, however, Ogma was ultimately captured by the Formorians and subjected to cruel treatment. He was eventually rescued by the Tuatha Dé and continued to be celebrated as a hero and patron of learning.

Divining with the Ogham

Here are some tips for using Ogham divination in your practice:

  1. Choose your set of Ogham symbols: You can create your own set of Ogham symbols by carving them onto pieces of wood or stone, or you can purchase a set. (Coming soon to our shoppe) It’s important to choose a set of symbols that speaks to you and resonates with your energy.
  2. Set your intention: Before you begin your divination session, take a moment to set your intention. Think about the question or situation that you want guidance on and focus your energy on that intention. This will help to create a clear and focused space for your divination practice.
  3. Draw or cast your symbols: There are several ways to draw or cast your Ogham symbols. You can draw them one at a time from a bag or pouch, or you can cast them like dice and interpret the symbols based on their position and relationship to each other. You can also lay them out in a specific pattern or spread, like tarot or oracle cards.
  4. Interpret the symbols: Once you have drawn or cast your symbols, take some time to interpret their meanings. Each symbol has its own unique energy and interpretation, so it’s important to trust your intuition and allow the symbols to speak to you in their own way. You can also use a reference guide or book to help you interpret the symbols, but always remember to trust your own inner wisdom and intuition.
  5. Reflect on the guidance: After you have interpreted the symbols, take some time to reflect on the guidance they have provided. Think about how the symbols relate to your original question or situation and consider how you can apply this guidance to your life moving forward. Remember that Ogham divination is a tool for self-discovery and empowerment, and the guidance you receive is meant to help you on your journey of personal growth and transformation.

About the Ogham alphabet

The Ogham alphabet is a combination of straight and diagonal lines and is often referred to as the “Celtic Tree Alphabet.” Each letter represents a specific tree or plant, and each has its own unique spiritual and magical properties. The trees represented in the Ogham alphabet are thought to hold special significance in Celtic mythology and are often associated with the natural world and the cycle of life.

Each letter in the Ogham alphabet has its own unique energy and associations, and can be used for divination, magic, and meditation. Whether you are a Pagan, a Celtic enthusiast, or simply interested in ancient symbols and languages, the Ogham alphabet is a fascinating system that can offer insight and guidance in many areas of life.

Interpreting the Ogham alphabet

To use the Ogham alphabet for divination, a set of Ogham staves or sticks is used. These staves are typically made from wood or bone and are marked with the Ogham symbols. The diviner selects a set of staves and tosses them onto a flat surface, such as a table or the ground. The way the staves land determines the reading.

There are 25 letters in the Ogham alphabet, each of which is named after a tree or plant. These letters were used by the Druids as a form of communication and were also used in divination and magic. In this article, we will take a closer look at each of the 25 letters in the Ogham alphabet and explore their meanings and associations.

The Ogham Alphabet – Beith~Tinne

  • 1 – Beith (Birch): This letter represents new beginnings, growth, and rebirth.
    Beith (Birch)In Celtic mythology, the birch tree was seen as a symbol of renewal and purification. The Beith Ogham letter is associated with the birch tree, and therefore carries a similar meaning of new beginnings and growth. It is believed that the Beith Ogham letter represents a time of renewal, both physically and spiritually. It signifies the start of a new journey and encourages the querent to embrace change and act towards their goals.
    In divination, the Beith Ogham letter can indicate that the querent is about to embark on a new journey, whether it be in their personal or professional life. This journey may require them to step out of their comfort zone and embrace new experiences. The Beith letter can also suggest that the querent needs to let go of past hurts or negative experiences and start fresh with a positive outlook. Overall, the Beith Ogham letter is a powerful symbol of new beginnings and growth and encourages the querent to embrace change and take the first step towards a brighter future.
  • Luis (Rowan): This letter is associated with protection, healing, and divination.
    Luis (Rowan)In Celtic mythology, the rowan tree was believed to be a sacred tree that possessed powerful protective qualities. As such, the Luis letter is often interpreted as a symbol of protection and defense. It is believed to offer protection against evil, negative energies, and harmful influences. The letter is also associated with healing and the restoration of balance and harmony. It is believed to possess the power to heal emotional wounds and promote spiritual growth. In divination, the Luis letter may indicate that the querent needs protection or healing in some aspect of their life. It may also suggest that the querent needs to be more mindful of their actions and surroundings to avoid negative influences.
    The Luis letter may also be interpreted as a symbol of divination and psychic abilities. The rowan tree was believed to be a gateway to the Otherworld, where the spirits of the dead and other beings resided. As such, the Luis letter may suggest that the querent has a natural gift for divination and may be able to access information from the spirit realm. It may also indicate that the querent needs spiritual guidance and is seeking answers to important questions in their life. In divination, the Luis letter may be a sign that the querent should trust their intuition and pay attention to their dreams and other signs from the spirit world.
  • Fearn (Alder): This letter represents strength, courage, and protection.
    Fearn (Alder)In Celtic mythology, the Alder tree was one of the sacred trees and was associated with Bran the Blessed, who was known for his great strength and protection. The letter Fearn is connected to this powerful tree and is often interpreted as a symbol of strength, courage, and protection. In divination, the Fearn letter can suggest that the querent has the strength and courage to overcome any challenges they may be facing. It can also indicate that they may need to focus on strengthening their own protection, whether that be physical, emotional, or spiritual.
    Furthermore, the Alder tree was often used for creating shields and boats due to its strength and durability. This is another reason why the Fearn letter is associated with protection. It may indicate that the querent needs to take steps to protect themselves or their loved ones, or that they may be able to provide protection for others. Overall, the Fearn letter represents the power of strength and protection, and its appearance in a divination reading can be a powerful message of resilience and fortitude.
  • Saille (Willow): This letter is associated with intuition, dreams, and the feminine.
    Saille (Willow):Saille, the fifth letter in the Ogham alphabet, is associated with the willow tree. The willow tree is known for its long, slender branches and graceful appearance. In Celtic mythology, the willow was often associated with the moon and the goddesses of the Triple Goddess. The willow is also associated with water and the subconscious mind. As such, the letter Saille is often interpreted as being connected to intuition, dreams, and the feminine.
    When the letter Saille appears in a divination reading, it can indicate a need to tap into one’s intuition and listen to the inner voice. This could mean paying attention to dreams, or simply being open to subtle messages from the universe. The letter Saille can also suggest a need to connect with the feminine, whether that means embracing the qualities traditionally associated with women or seeking out guidance from female figures in one’s life. Overall, the letter Saille is a reminder to stay open and receptive to the wisdom and guidance that surrounds us, even if it is not immediately visible.
  • Nuin (Ash): This letter represents health, healing, and balance.
    Nuin (Ash):In Celtic mythology, the ash tree was considered sacred and had many associations with the natural world. The ash tree was often seen as a symbol of balance and harmony, as it was believed to connect the three worlds of the heavens, the earth, and the underworld. As a result, the letter Nuin, which is represented by the ash tree, is often associated with themes of health, healing, and balance.
    In divination, the letter Nuin may indicate a need to focus on one’s physical health and well-being, as well as spiritual or emotional healing. It may also suggest the importance of finding balance and harmony in one’s life, whether that be through work-life balance, balancing relationships, or balancing different aspects of oneself. Additionally, the letter Nuin may indicate a need to connect with nature or tap into the natural world for healing and restoration.
  • Huath (Hawthorn): This letter is associated with love, protection, and purity.
    Huath (Hawthorn)In Celtic mythology, the hawthorn was often considered a sacred tree and was believed to be a gateway to the otherworld. As such, the letter Huath in the Ogham alphabet is often associated with spiritual protection, love, and purity. It is a symbol of the feminine, representing the power of women in the realms of love and magic.
    In divination, the letter Huath can indicate a need for protection, both physical and spiritual. It may suggest that the querent needs to be more mindful of their emotional boundaries and protect themselves from negative energy or harmful influences. It can also indicate a need for greater purity, whether that be in thoughts, actions, or relationships. The letter may suggest that the querent should strive for greater clarity and honesty in their personal and professional life, and to maintain a sense of purity in their intentions and interactions with others. Additionally, the letter Huath can also be associated with the idea of unconditional love, urging the querent to cultivate a sense of compassion and kindness towards themselves and others.
  • Duir (Oak): This letter represents strength, stability, and endurance.
    Duir (Oak)In Celtic mythology, the Oak tree was considered sacred and was often associated with the god of thunder and lightning, Taranis. The Oak was also associated with the concept of sovereignty and kingship, and the word ‘Duir’ itself was often used to refer to a powerful ruler or leader. The letter Duir in the Ogham alphabet is therefore seen as representing strength, stability, and endurance – qualities that are often associated with leadership and authority.
    In divination, the appearance of the Duir symbol can indicate a time of strength and stability, where the querent may be called upon to take on a leadership role or exhibit qualities of perseverance and resilience. It can also indicate a time of growth and renewal, where old habits and patterns may need to be shed to allow for new growth and the achievement of long-term goals. Additionally, the appearance of the Duir symbol may suggest the importance of seeking support and guidance from trusted sources and may indicate the need to establish firm boundaries to maintain a sense of stability and control in one’s life.
  • Tinne (Holly): This letter is associated with protection, defense, and spiritual growth.
    Tinne (Holly)In Celtic mythology, the holly tree was a powerful symbol of protection and defense, making the letter Tinne a fitting symbol for these qualities. In Ogham divination, the Tinne letter can represent a time of spiritual growth and development, as well as a need for increased protection and security in one’s life.
    Additionally, the holly tree was believed to be a gateway to the spirit world, and the Tinne letter can symbolize a connection to the spiritual realm. This can be a time to focus on developing one’s intuition and psychic abilities, as well as seeking guidance from spiritual sources. The Tinne letter can also suggest the need to create boundaries and protect oneself from negative energies or influences.

The Ogham Alphabet – Coll~Ruis

  • Coll (Hazel): This letter represents wisdom, inspiration, and intuition.
    Coll (Hazel)Coll, the eighth letter of the Ogham alphabet, is associated with the Hazel tree. In Celtic mythology, the Hazel was considered a sacred tree that symbolized wisdom and inspiration. The nuts of the Hazel were believed to contain magical powers and were often used in divination practices. The letter Coll is said to have the power to help the seeker find inspiration and guidance on their path towards greater wisdom and understanding.
    In divination, the Coll symbol can indicate a need for greater insight and understanding. It may suggest that the seeker needs to pay attention to their intuition and inner wisdom to gain a deeper understanding of a situation. It can also represent the need for new beginnings, as the Hazel tree is associated with new growth and fresh starts. The Coll symbol may encourage the seeker to trust their instincts and take bold steps towards their goals, as they are likely to find success if they stay true to their inner voice.
  • Quert (Apple): This letter is associated with knowledge, abundance, and the divine.
    Quert (Apple)Quert, the Ogham letter for apple, is often interpreted as a symbol of knowledge, abundance, and the divine. Apples have been revered in many cultures throughout history as a sacred fruit, often associated with knowledge and wisdom. In Celtic mythology, apples were considered a symbol of immortality and were said to grant eternal youth to those who consumed them. As such, the Quert Ogham letter is often seen as a symbol of enlightenment, knowledge, and spiritual growth.
    In divination, the Quert Ogham letter is often interpreted as a sign of abundance and prosperity, both in material and spiritual aspects. It may indicate that the querent will receive a sudden influx of wealth, knowledge, or other blessings. Alternatively, the letter may also suggest the importance of staying grounded and humble in the face of abundance and success. It may be a reminder to remain connected to one’s spiritual roots and to share one’s blessings with others. Overall, the Quert Ogham letter can serve as a powerful reminder of the interconnectedness of all things, and the importance of cultivating a deep and meaningful relationship with the divine.
  • Muin (Vine): This letter represents joy, celebration, and the bounty of nature.
    Muin (Vine)Muin, the thirteenth letter of the Ogham alphabet, is represented by the vine. The vine is a symbol of growth, abundance, and joy. In divination, Muin can represent the rewards of hard work and the harvest of one’s efforts. It may also suggest a time of celebration, happiness, and abundance in one’s life. The vine is known for its ability to produce fruit, and as such, Muin can also symbolize the fruition of one’s goals or aspirations.
    Muin is also associated with the god Lugh, a god of many talents and abilities. Lugh was known for his skill in arts and crafts, music, and poetry. In this way, Muin can represent creative expression and the pursuit of artistic endeavors. It can also symbolize the importance of cultivating one’s talents and abilities to achieve success and fulfillment. The vine itself can be seen as a representation of the creative process, as it twists and turns in various directions, much like the twists and turns of the creative process itself.
  • Gort (Ivy): This letter is associated with transformation, growth, and perseverance.
    Gort (Ivy)Gort, the letter of the Ivy, is a symbol of transformation, growth, and perseverance. Ivy is known for its ability to grow in even the harshest of environments, and its presence can symbolize the ability to adapt and overcome obstacles. In divination, the appearance of Gort can indicate a time of transformation, where the querent is going through significant changes in their life. This transformation may require them to let go of old habits or beliefs, much like the ivy sheds its leaves to make way for new growth.
    Gort can also represent the idea of growth and development. The ivy’s ability to climb and cover large areas is a reminder of the potential for growth and expansion in one’s life. The querent may be encouraged to explore new opportunities and possibilities, as they have the potential to lead to significant growth and progress. In addition, the presence of Gort may indicate the need for patience and perseverance in pursuing these goals, as growth and transformation can take time and require dedication and commitment.
  • nGeatal (Reed): This letter represents protection, healing, and community.
    nGeatal (Reed)In the Ogham alphabet, Ngetal or Reed is one of the symbols that is associated with healing and protection. The reed is known for its ability to grow in swampy areas and provide a haven for animals and insects. As such, the Ngetal symbolizes the ability to thrive in adverse conditions and find strength in the face of challenges. When this symbol appears in a divination reading, it may suggest that the querent is in need of protection or healing and should seek out supportive communities or environments to help them navigate their struggles.
    Additionally, the Ngetal symbol is also associated with the element of water, and as such, can represent emotions and intuition. This symbol may encourage the querent to tap into their emotional and intuitive nature, and to trust their inner voice when making decisions or navigating uncertain situations. It may also suggest that the querent needs to take a step back and allow themselves time to process their emotions, rather than suppressing or ignoring them. By embracing their emotions and intuition, the querent can find a sense of peace and clarity in their life.
  • Straif (Blackthorn): This letter is associated with transformation, challenge, and resilience.
    Straif (Blackthorn)Straif (Blackthorn) is the 20th and final letter in the Ogham alphabet. It is a symbol of transformation and the power of overcoming obstacles. The Blackthorn tree is known for its sharp thorns and tough, dense wood, which makes it an apt representation of overcoming adversity. In divination, Straif may indicate that the querent is facing a difficult challenge or a period of change, but that they have the strength and resilience to overcome it. It may also suggest the importance of staying grounded and focused during times of transition.
    In addition to representing transformation and resilience, Straif is also associated with protection and spiritual growth. The Blackthorn tree has long been associated with magic and the Otherworld, and its thorny branches were sometimes used to create protective barriers or ward off negative energy. In divination, Straif may indicate the need for spiritual protection or the importance of cultivating a deeper connection with the divine. It may also suggest that the querent is on a path of spiritual growth and that they should continue to explore their inner world to discover new insights and connections.
  • Ruis (Elder): This letter represents protection, transformation, and the divine feminine.
    Ruis (Elder)Ruis, the thirteenth letter of the Ogham alphabet, is associated with the elder tree. This tree has a rich history of use in traditional medicine and folklore, and it is often associated with healing, protection, and transformation. In divination, the Ruis symbol may represent the need for protection, both physical and spiritual. It may suggest that the querent needs to be cautious and vigilant in their actions, and to seek guidance or support from trusted sources when facing challenges or adversity.
    The Ruis symbol may also indicate a need for transformation or renewal. This may be a time to shed old habits, beliefs, or patterns of behavior that are no longer serving the querent, and to embrace new opportunities or perspectives. The elder tree is also associated with the divine feminine, and the Ruis symbol may represent the need to connect with one’s own inner wisdom and intuition, or to seek out the guidance of feminine energies in one’s life. Overall, the Ruis symbol encourages the querent to trust in their own inner strength and resilience, and to have faith in the transformative power of the universe.

The Ogham Alphabet – Ailm~Óir

  • Ailm (Fir): This letter is associated with balance, harmony, and the natural world.
    Ailm (Fir)Ailm is the fir tree in the Ogham alphabet, and it holds great significance in Celtic mythology. It is a symbol of balance and harmony, representing the perfect integration of male and female energies. The fir tree was highly regarded by the Celts for its ability to maintain its green color throughout the year, even during the darkest months of winter. This quality made it a powerful symbol of endurance, perseverance, and resilience. As such, Ailm is often associated with strength and stability, making it a popular choice for those seeking guidance during times of upheaval or change.
    In divination, the Ailm symbolizes the need to find balance and harmony in all aspects of one’s life. It may suggest that the querent needs to focus on developing a deeper connection with nature, or that they should seek out ways to bring more balance into their daily routines. Additionally, the Ailm may represent the importance of perseverance and resilience in the face of challenges or adversity. It can serve as a reminder that even during the darkest of times, there is always a glimmer of hope and the promise of brighter days ahead.
  • Onn (Gorse): This letter represents courage, protection, and the power of the sun.
    Onn (Gorse)Onn (Gorse) is the 19th letter of the Ogham alphabet, and it is associated with courage, protection, and the power of the sun. In Celtic mythology, the gorse plant was associated with the sun god Lugh, who was said to have used gorse to make a powerful spear. In divination, the Onn symbol may indicate that you have the courage and strength to overcome any obstacle or challenge that comes your way. This letter can also represent the protective qualities of the sun and may indicate that you have a strong sense of self-protection and the ability to shield yourself from negativity.
    In addition to its protective qualities, Onn is also associated with the idea of sacrifice. In Celtic mythology, the gorse plant was often used to make sacrifices to the gods, and it was considered a potent symbol of self-sacrifice and devotion. In divination, the Onn symbol may indicate that you need to make a sacrifice to achieve your goals or protect what is important to you. This could mean sacrificing your time, energy, or resources to achieve greater good. Alternatively, it could suggest that you may need to give up something that is holding you back, such as a bad habit or negative relationship, to move forward in a positive way.
  • Ur (Heather): This letter is associated with purification, healing, and spiritual growth.
    Ur (Heather)Ur, also known as Heather, is one of the letters of the Ogham alphabet. It is said to represent cleansing, renewal, and growth. In Celtic mythology, heather was associated with the Summer Solstice, a time of spiritual purification and renewal. It was also believed that heather had the power to ward off negative energies and promote healing. In divination, the presence of the Ur symbol may indicate that it is time to let go of negative energies and embrace new beginnings. It may also suggest that a period of healing and spiritual growth is on the horizon.
    The Ur symbol is also associated with the element of fire, which is symbolic of transformation, passion, and purification. Fire is often seen as a powerful force of change and can represent a spiritual awakening or a time of intense personal growth. In divination, the presence of the Ur symbol may suggest that it is time to act and make changes in your life. It may also indicate a need for spiritual purification and a release of negative energies. Overall, the Ur symbol is a powerful reminder of the importance of growth, renewal, and spiritual transformation.
  • Eadha (Aspen): This letter represents transformation, protection, and communication.
    Eadha (Aspen)Eadha, also known as Aspen, is the twenty-third letter of the Ogham alphabet. It is associated with the season of autumn and the element of air. This letter has a deep connection to transformation, as the Aspen tree is known for its ability to regenerate from its roots and for the rustling sound its leaves make in the wind. In divination, Eadha can indicate a time of change or a need for transformation in one’s life. It may also represent the need to communicate openly and honestly with others.
    Eadha is also a symbol of protection. In ancient Celtic mythology, the Aspen tree was believed to have protective powers, and it was often used to create charms and talismans. This letter can indicate a need for protection, either physical or spiritual, or a need to create a protective barrier around oneself or one’s loved ones. It can also represent the idea of being a protector for others, standing up for what is right and defending those who are vulnerable.
  • Iodhadh (Yew): This letter is associated with death, rebirth, and the cycles of life.
    Iodhadh (Yew)The Iodhadh letter, also known as Yew, is a powerful symbol of death and rebirth. The yew tree is known for its longevity, with some specimens living for thousands of years. In Celtic mythology, the yew was believed to be a gateway between the world of the living and the world of the dead. As such, the Iodhadh letter is often associated with ancestral wisdom, shamanic journeying, and spiritual transformation. In divination, the Iodhadh letter may indicate a need to let go of old patterns and beliefs to embrace a new phase of life. It may also indicate a time of profound spiritual growth and inner transformation.
    At the same time, the Iodhadh letter also represents resilience and endurance. The yew tree can regenerate itself even after being cut down to its roots, making it a symbol of survival and regeneration. The Iodhadh letter may therefore indicate a need to stay strong in the face of adversity, to persevere through difficult times, and to draw on one’s inner reserves of strength and resilience. It may also indicate a time of deep healing and regeneration, as one emerges from a period of darkness or crisis renewed and transformed. Overall, the Iodhadh letter is a powerful symbol of the cyclical nature of life, death, and rebirth, reminding us that even in the darkest of times, there is always the potential for new growth and transformation.
  • Éabhadh (Aspens in a Grove): This letter is associated with communication, gathering, and resolution.
    Éabhadh (Aspens in a Grove)Éabhadh (Aspen) is an Ogham letter that represents communication, gathering, and resolution. It symbolizes the ability to connect with others, speak one’s truth, and come to a place of understanding and compromise. The Aspen tree, which this letter represents, is known for its shimmering leaves that rustle in the wind, making a gentle sound that is said to carry messages from the spirit realm. This letter is often associated with the power of speech and the ability to communicate with both the physical and spiritual worlds. In divination, Éabhadh can suggest the need to speak up, to share one’s thoughts and feelings, and to seek out a resolution to a conflict or misunderstanding.
    In addition to its associations with communication and gathering, Éabhadh is also linked to the idea of change and transformation. The Aspen tree is known for its ability to regenerate quickly, even after being damaged or destroyed. This letter can therefore indicate a time of transition or upheaval, but also the potential for growth and renewal. In divination, Éabhadh may suggest that the querent is on the cusp of a significant transformation, and that they should embrace the changes that are coming rather than resisting them. It can also indicate that the querent should seek out new connections and opportunities for growth, both in their personal and professional lives.
  • Óir (Gold): This letter is associated with wealth, abundance, and prosperity.
    Óir (Gold)It is one of the few letters that is named after a metal, symbolizing its preciousness and value. In divination, Óir can indicate material wealth and financial success, as well as the richness of one’s inner life and spiritual growth. It may also suggest a need to let go of material attachments and focus on more meaningful aspects of life.
    In Celtic mythology, gold was often associated with the sun and its life-giving energy. As such, Óir can represent vitality, creativity, and inspiration. It may encourage one to follow their passions and pursue their dreams, trusting in the abundance of the universe to support them. However, it is important to approach this abundance with gratitude and generosity, recognizing that wealth is meant to be shared and used for the greater good.

The Ogham Alphabet – Uilleann~Amhancholl

  • Uilleann (Honeysuckle): This letter is associated with manifestation, unspoken desire, and true Self.
    Uilleann (Honeysuckle)This letter is associated with manifestation, unspoken desire, and the true self. In Ogham divination, the Uilleann is often interpreted as a reminder to listen to our innermost desires and trust our instincts to bring them into manifestation. Like the twisting vines of the Honeysuckle, the path to our true selves may be winding and unpredictable, but we must have faith in our ability to navigate it.
    The Uilleann is also a symbol of attraction and seduction, representing the power of unspoken desires and the allure of the unknown. In divination, this letter may be a warning to be cautious of temptation and to stay grounded in our values and priorities. Alternatively, it may encourage us to embrace our sensuality and explore the depths of our desires in a healthy and fulfilling way. Ultimately, the Uilleann reminds us to stay connected to our innermost selves and to trust in the journey of self-discovery.
  • Ifin (Pine): This letter is associated with clarity of vision, awareness, and closure.
    Ifin (Pine)Ifin (Pine) is a letter of clarity, awareness, and closure. It represents the ability to see through the veil of confusion and gain clarity of vision. It is often associated with the pine tree, which is a symbol of longevity and strength. In divination, Ifin is believed to indicate a time of closure and completion, as well as a need to let go of the past and move forward with clarity and purpose. It can also suggest the need for self-reflection and introspection in order to gain a deeper understanding of oneself and the world around us.
    In addition to clarity and closure, Ifin is also associated with the idea of sacrifice. Just as the pine tree gives up its needles in the fall, we too must be willing to let go of what no longer serves us in order to grow and evolve. This letter can be a reminder to embrace change and transformation, even if it requires sacrifice or letting go of something familiar. Ultimately, Ifin is a symbol of the power of awareness and the importance of staying true to oneself, even in the face of uncertainty and change.
  • Amhancholl (Witch Hazel): This letter is associated with cleansing, purification, and relief.
    Amhancholl (Witch Hazel)Amhancholl represents cleansing, purification, and relief. It is a letter that is often associated with letting go of negative energy and emotions and finding a sense of renewal and peace. In divination, it may indicate a need for introspection and self-reflection, and a focus on releasing what no longer serves you. It may also suggest that a period of healing and self-care is needed to move forward with a clearer mind and a lighter heart.
    It represents a time of inner growth and encourages us to trust our instincts and intuition. The Hazel tree has been associated with divination and prophecy since ancient times, and its use in the Ogham alphabet highlights its importance as a source of spiritual insight and knowledge. When this letter appears in a divination reading, it may indicate the need to tap into one’s inner wisdom and intuition to find solutions to current challenges or to gain a deeper understanding of one’s path in life.

Each symbol has its own unique interpretation, and the diviner must have a deep understanding of the symbolism and meaning of each Ogham letter. Additionally, the combination of symbols and the way they land can add further meaning to the reading.


Celtic Ogham Divination is a powerful tool for those who wish to connect with their Celtic heritage and the natural world. It is a way to gain insight into the cycles of life, to seek guidance from the spirits of nature, and to tap into the wisdom of the ancient Druids. While the original use of the Ogham alphabet may be shrouded in mystery, the symbols remain a potent means of divination and connection to the spiritual world.


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