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The Practitioner’s

Welcome to the Practitioner’s Handbook

A free resource for all levels of practitioners of the Craft.

Whether you’re a beginner or an expert in the field of witchcraft, we have everything you need to deepen your knowledge and enhance your practice. Our handbook is divided into several sections to help find what you need: Sabbats, Divination, Spellwork, and the Practitioner’s Blog. You’ll find tips, information, rituals, recipes, guides, and more in each section. As an authority on witchcraft and pagan traditions, we strive to provide you with the most comprehensive and accurate information available and we add new articles weekly.

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Total Posts: 218


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Spellwork & Rituals Posts

Ritual: Seeking Guidance from the Forest

Ritual - Guidance from the Forrest
Learn how to perform a ritual to seek guidance from the forest, a place of wisdom and healing. Discover the tools and principles of magic you need for this nature-based ritual.

Preparing for a Ritual

Ritual Preparation
This article is but one method on how to prepare for a ritual, and it’s a basic guideline for you to follow.


Divination Posts


Blog Posts

Recipe: Laufabrauð

Making Laufabrauð
A cultural delight that transcends mere sustenance. It’s a leaf bread with delicate snowflake-like designs, made for the Yuletide season.

Recipe: Honeyed Winter Roasted Vegetables

Making Honeyed Winter Roasted Vegetables
A side dish that harmonizes flavors and elevates the feast. It’s made with root vegetables and honey, and garnished with rosemary.

All Posts

Total Posts: 218
Key Lime Pie

Recipe: Key Lime Cream Pie

This mouth-watering dessert is the perfect way to honor the magic of summer and connect with the energy of the elements. Here’s a recipe for key lime cream pie that will have you and your coven swooning with delight:
Blessings – Hearth and Home

Blessings – Hearth and Home

We hold Hearth and Home sacred because we believe that the home is a reflection of the self and a manifestation of the divine.
Moon Milk

Recipe: Moon Milk: Summer’s Brew

To honor the magic of the summer moon, we have a recipe for a delicious variant of Moon Milk featuring Lavender and Cherry .
Ritual: Moon Water Part 1 – Simple Outdoor

Ritual: Moon Water Part 1 – Simple Outdoor

In Part 1 of our Moon Water Ritual Series we cover A Simple and Powerful Method for Blessing Moon Water
Tea Leaf Reading

Tea Leaf Reading

One of the most popular forms of divination is tea leaf reading, also known as tasseography or teomancy. In this article we will dive into this ancient practice.
Woodland Serenity

Blessings – Woodland Serenity

In honor of the sacred woodland we bring you a tale and a blessing to them. Use them to celebrate their power and wisdom and the serenity they bring.
Strawberry Rhubarb Pie

Recipe: Summer Strawberry Rhubarb Pies

To honor the magic of summer, we have a recipe for a delicious strawberry rhubarb pie that is sure to delight your taste buds and enchant your senses.
Ribwort (Narrowleaf) Plantain

Foraging: Plantains

In this article, we will explore the benefits of foraging for plantains, how to identify them, where they grow, and common uses.