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Ritual: Mabon – Balanced Meditation


Approx. Reading time: About 7 Minutes



Embrace the autumnal equinox

In the tranquil embrace of the autumnal equinox, a mystical celebration known as Mabon emerges, inviting us to explore the delicate balance between light and darkness, both in the world around us and within our own souls. Among the many enchanting rituals that grace this sacred season, Balanced Meditation stands as a beacon of serenity and self-discovery. This ancient practice guides us to a place of profound equilibrium, where the shifting hues of fall foliage mirror the interplay between the active and introspective energies of our lives. Join us on a journey into the heart of Mabon’s Balanced Meditation, where we shall explore the art of harmonizing with the season’s energies, finding stillness amid transformation, and embracing the lessons of balance that this enchanted time bestows.

Ritual Basics

Before beginning any ritual, it is important to prepare yourself mentally and physically. You may want to take a cleansing bath, or shower, and meditate or perform some grounding exercises to center yourself. Gather any materials you will need, such as candles, incense, and offerings for the forest spirits.

You can read a more detailed Ritual Preparation guide here.

Equilibrium: A Ritual for the Balance Meditation

In the waning days of summer, as the sun dips lower on the horizon and the vibrant green of the world takes on the warm, golden hues of autumn, we find ourselves at the threshold of Mabon, the autumn equinox. This season is marked by a profound transformation, as nature herself dons her cloak of change. It’s a time when the leaves begin their graceful descent to the earth, and the air takes on a crisper edge, carrying with it the whispers of coming winter.

During this transformation, we are presented with a profound lesson — the art of embracing change as a pathway to equilibrium. The Balanced Meditation, a sacred ritual of Mabon, beckons us to contemplate this very lesson. It guides us to find solace amid change, much as the trees surrender their leaves, trusting that new growth will come in their own time. This ritual reminds us that life is an eternal dance of balance, a delicate interplay between light and dark, growth and release, and it is through acceptance and understanding of this balance that we find our own equilibrium.

Balanced Meditation
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Ritual: Mabon – Balanced Meditation

As we embark on the journey of the Balanced Meditation, we immerse ourselves in the beauty of the season, where every falling leaf is a reminder that change is not to be feared but embraced. The ritual encourages us to sit in quiet reflection, much like the trees themselves, as we release our worries, tensions, and attachments to that which no longer serves us. This act of letting go becomes a sacred dance, a harmonious step in the rhythm of the season, as we surrender to the transformative energies of Mabon.
Prep Time5 minutes
Ritual Time1 hour
Total Time1 hour 5 minutes
Ritual Type: Mabon
Type: Rituals
Author: Theo, Witch


  • A blanket and/or cushion(s).
  • A foci (this can be a crystal, a fall symbol, etc)



  • Find a cozy nook in your haven, it can be indoors or out. It must be a safe place for you to be.
  • Use your blanket and/or cushion(s) to make the ritual space comfortable for you.
  • Nestle yourself into a comfortable position, either seated or lying down, as if preparing for a restful slumber. Let the tranquility of your chosen space envelop you.
  • Comfortably hold your foci, letting it bring you to peace.
  • Gently close your eyes, letting the quietude and peace settle around you like a soft mist. Inhale deeply, drawing in the hushed serenity of the surrounding woods and waters, and exhale any residual thoughts that may linger.

Visualizing the Equinox

  • As your inner canvas unfurls, paint a picture of yourself standing amidst nature’s embraces. Imagine the landscape shifting, revealing a lush forest glade, a vibrant meadow, or a serene beach along the Pacific coastline.
  • Watch as the foliage morphs, transitioning from one season’s attire to another. Allow the play of sunlight and shadows to paint a symphony of patterns around you, much like the intricate dance of your witchcraft practice.

Focusing on Balance

  • Shift your gaze to the balance teetering between the light and the darkness in your visualized sanctuary. Inhale, imbuing yourself with the radiant energy of the sun, its warmth filling you from within.
  • Exhale, envisioning any concerns, burdens, or worries as mere shadows that disperse and dissolve into the earth beneath you, absorbed by the ground.

Reflecting Within

  • Redirect your focus inward, like a seeker delving into the mysteries of the self. Contemplate the intricate scales of your life—how work finds its counterpoint in rest, joy waltzes with sorrow, and growth finds its partner in release.
  • As you inhale and exhale in rhythm, become a conduit for equilibrium, inviting its essence to flow through you.

Embracing Equilibrium

  • Visualize equilibrium as a gentle stream of radiant light. Imagine it coursing through your veins, each pulse resonating with the harmonious balance you seek.
  • Feel this luminous current enveloping every corner of your being, like the embrace of an old friend who understands the nuances of your journey.

Affirming Balance

  • Utter a mantra, seasoning your experience with affirmation: “I am in harmony with the cycles of life. I embrace both light and darkness, finding equilibrium within.”
  • Let this declaration infuse your being with the essence of balance.

Returning to the Present

  • Allow your awareness to trickle back into the present moment, like water finding its way back to the ocean. Inhale the freshness of the air, as if savoring the scent of newly foraged herbs.
  • With a tender smile, exhale, and as you gently open your eyes, bask in the gentle light of your surroundings, knowing that you’ve brewed an elixir of inner harmony.
  • Carry this sense of balance and mindfulness with you, just as you would carry a vial of your finest potion, allowing it to be a guiding star through the currents of your day.


In the acceptance of change, we find the essence of equilibrium. This ritual teaches us that true balance is not stagnant; it is a dynamic state, an ever-flowing stream of energy that courses through our lives. It is the recognition that light and darkness, joy and sorrow, growth and release are not opposing forces but interconnected aspects of the same cycle.
As we conclude the Balanced Meditation, we emerge with a profound sense of peace, knowing that change is not a disruption of our equilibrium but an integral part of it. It is through acceptance and the embrace of transformation that we find true balance, just as the autumn forest finds its equilibrium in the changing seasons.

Symbols of Autumn

Here are some physical autumn symbols that you can hold and use in your witchcraft practice:
  • Acorns: Acorns are a powerful symbol of potential and growth. Hold them in your hand during rituals or use them as part of your altar setup to represent the promise of future abundance and transformation.
  • Autumn Leaves: Collect colorful autumn leaves and hold them to connect with the changing of seasons. Use them in spells related to change, letting go, or personal transformation.
  • Pumpkins: Pumpkins are iconic symbols of autumn. Holding a small pumpkin or a pumpkin-shaped object can symbolize the harvest, protection, and abundance. Carve a protective symbol into a pumpkin and hold it during protection rituals. 
  • Candles: Holding candles in autumnal colors like orange, red, or brown can help you attune to the season’s energies. Light the candle and focus on its flame during meditation or spellwork to invoke the corresponding qualities of the color. 
  • Feathers: As birds migrate during the fall, feathers can symbolize freedom and the connection between the earthly and spiritual realms. Hold feathers to connect with your spirit guides or incorporate them into rituals for communication with the spirit world.
  • Cornucopia: The cornucopia, or horn of plenty, is a symbol of abundance and harvest. Hold a small cornucopia or use one in your altar setup to attract prosperity and bountiful blessings.
  • Apples: Apples represent wisdom, healing, and immortality. Holding an apple during meditation or rituals can help you tap into these qualities. You can also use apples as offerings to deities or spirits.
  • Pinecones: Pinecones are associated with evergreen trees and the resilience of nature. Hold a pinecone to connect with the earth’s enduring energy and use it in rituals for grounding and stability.
  • Miniature Brooms: Miniature brooms or besoms symbolize purification and sweeping away negativity. Hold one during rituals focused on cleansing and purifying your space or your life.
  • Harvest Tools: Hold small representations of harvest tools like a sickle, scythe, or a miniature basket filled with symbolic fruits and vegetables to connect with the theme of abundance and the reaping of rewards.
  • Gemstones: Carry gemstones associated with autumn, such as carnelian, citrine, or amber, in your pocket or hold them during meditation and rituals to amplify their energy and align with the season’s intentions.
  • Autumn Herbs: Bundle together or hold autumn herbs like sage, rosemary, or thyme to infuse your rituals with their earthy and purifying energies.
Remember that the power of these symbols is deeply personal, and your connection to them is what makes them meaningful in your practice. Holding and meditating upon these symbols during autumn can help you tap into the seasonal energies and bring your intentions to life in your witchcraft practice.

© The Equinox Apothecary 2024 – Permission is granted to copy and reproduce this Ritual with attribution


In the profound teachings of the Balanced Meditation, we unearth a timeless wisdom that transcends the boundaries of seasons and rituals. It is a revelation that true equilibrium is not a static state but a dynamic force that surges through the currents of our existence, much like the ever-flowing stream of time. As we draw this sacred practice to a close, we carry with us the profound understanding that light and darkness, joy and sorrow, growth and release are not adversaries in our journey, but rather intimate companions in the dance of life.

Just as the autumn forest gracefully adapts to the changing seasons, we too can embrace the transformative energies that life offers. We emerge from Balanced Meditation with a serene sense of peace, armed with the knowledge that change is not a disruption of our equilibrium but a pivotal element of it. In our acceptance of change, we find the very essence of balance—the harmonious coexistence of all facets of existence. As we journey forth into the world, we carry with us the wisdom of the autumn equinox, recognizing that equilibrium is not an end goal but a perpetual voyage, and in the embrace of transformation, we discover the true heart of balance.


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