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Ritual: How to Decorate Eggs for Ostara

Making Ostara Eggs

Approx. Reading time: About 8 Minutes

Making Ostara Eggs


Infusing Symbolism and Creativity

Egg decorating stands as a timeless tradition, deeply intertwined with the fabric of seasonal celebrations, none more so than Ostara, the vibrant festival heralding the arrival of spring and renewal. Across cultures and epochs, this joyful activity has united communities in a colorful display of creativity and symbolism. As we embark on this journey of artistic expression, we not only adorn eggs with vibrant hues and intricate patterns but also imbue them with the essence of the season. Join us as we delve into the art of egg decorating for Ostara, exploring the significance of colors and the myriad symbols that infuse this cherished tradition with meaning and magic.

Ritual Basics

Before beginning any ritual, it is important to prepare yourself mentally and physically. You may want to take a cleansing bath, or shower, and meditate or perform some grounding exercises to center yourself. Gather any materials you will need, such as candles, incense, and offerings for the forest spirits.

You can read a more detailed Ritual Preparation guide here.

Ostara Eggs
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How to Decorate Eggs for Ostara

Egg decorating stands as a timeless tradition, deeply intertwined with the fabric of seasonal celebrations, none more so than Ostara, the vibrant festival heralding the arrival of spring and renewal. Across cultures and epochs, this joyful activity has united communities in a colorful display of creativity and symbolism. As we embark on this journey of artistic expression, we not only adorn eggs with vibrant hues and intricate patterns but also imbue them with the essence of the season. Join us as we delve into the art of egg decorating for Ostara, exploring the significance of colors and the myriad symbols that infuse this cherished tradition with meaning and magic.
Prep Time15 minutes
Ritual Time30 minutes
Total Time45 minutes
Ritual Type: Ostara
Type: Rituals
Author: Theo, Witch


  • Paintbrushes
  • Markers
  • Stickers
  • Egg carton or stand
  • Protective covering for your work surface


  • Hard-boiled eggs or favored decorating eggs
  • Non-toxic paints or food coloring


  • Prepare Your Eggs Start by boiling your eggs until they are hard-boiled and allow them to cool completely before decorating. You can prepare as many eggs as you like, depending on the size of your gathering and your decorating ambitions. Alternatively, gather up faux eggs, wooden or plastic.
  • Set Up Your Workspace Cover your work surface with a protective covering to prevent any messes. Lay out your paints, markers, stickers, and other decorating materials within easy reach.
  • Choose Your Colors Colors play a significant role in egg decorating, with each hue carrying its own symbolism. (See Below for list of colors.)
  • Add Meaningful Symbols In addition to colors, you can incorporate meaningful symbols into your egg designs to honor Ostara and the themes of spring and renewal. (See Below for list of symbols.)
  • Get Creative Let your imagination soar as you decorate your eggs with colors and symbols that resonate with you. Experiment with different designs, patterns, and techniques to create truly unique and beautiful creations.
  • Display and Enjoy Once your eggs are decorated to your satisfaction, carefully place them in an egg carton or stand to dry. Display them proudly as a centerpiece on your Ostara altar or table or give them as gifts to friends and loved ones to spread the joy of the season.


Consider incorporating the following colors into your designs:

Yellow: Symbolizes the vibrant energy of the sun, evoking feelings of warmth, vitality, and optimism. It represents the dawning of new beginnings, growth, and the promise of a fresh start.
Green: Reflects the lushness of spring foliage and the renewal of nature. It symbolizes fertility, abundance, and the vitality of life bursting forth after the dormancy of winter. Green also embodies harmony, balance, and a deep connection to the earth.
Blue: Represents the clear skies of spring, symbolizing clarity, truth, and spiritual insight. It evokes feelings of serenity, peace, and tranquility, inviting us to align with the harmonious rhythms of nature and the universe.
Pink: Symbolizes love, compassion, and the gentle nurturing energy of the season. It embodies feelings of tenderness, affection, and emotional renewal, reminding us to cultivate kindness and connection in our relationships.
Purple: Signifies spiritual awakening, wisdom, and transformation. It represents the divine connection between the physical and spiritual realms, inviting us to delve deeper into our inner wisdom and explore the mysteries of the soul.
White: Represents purity, innocence, and the blank canvas of new possibilities. It embodies the pristine beauty of freshly fallen snow and the purity of untouched landscapes, signaling a clean slate and the potential for growth, enlightenment, and spiritual rebirth.
Orange: Symbolizes creativity, enthusiasm, and the zest for life. It represents the warmth of the sun as it bathes the earth in its golden glow, infusing everything with energy and vitality. Orange also evokes feelings of joy, optimism, and adventure, inspiring us to embrace new opportunities and pursue our passions.
Red: Reflects the fiery energy of the sun and the vitality of life force energy. It symbolizes passion, courage, and strength, igniting the flames of creativity and determination within us. Red also represents love and desire, reminding us to follow our hearts and pursue our deepest desires with passion and conviction.
Gold: Signifies abundance, prosperity, and spiritual enlightenment. It represents the radiant energy of the sun and the preciousness of life’s treasures. Gold also symbolizes achievement, success, and the fulfillment of our highest aspirations, reminding us of the infinite possibilities that lie within us.
Silver: Represents intuition, reflection, and the lunar energies of the Goddess. It symbolizes the serenity of moonlit nights and the mystical realms of the subconscious mind. Silver also embodies grace, elegance, and the power of intuition, guiding us on our spiritual journey and illuminating the path ahead.
Brown: Symbolizes stability, grounding, and the nurturing energy of the earth. It represents the fertile soil that nourishes new growth and sustains life. Brown also evokes feelings of security, reliability, and connection to the natural world, reminding us to stay rooted in our values and beliefs as we navigate life’s journey.
Turquoise: Reflects the tranquil hues of springtime skies and the soothing energies of flowing water. It symbolizes communication, creativity, and emotional healing. Turquoise also represents balance, harmony, and the integration of mind, body, and spirit, guiding us toward inner peace and serenity.

Some possible symbols to consider include:

Bees: Represent diligence, community, and the importance of hard work. Bees symbolize cooperation, teamwork, and the sweet rewards of collective effort. They remind us to stay focused on our goals and to appreciate the interconnectedness of all living beings.
Ladybugs: Signify luck, protection, and the blessings of abundance. Ladybugs are considered harbingers of good fortune and are believed to bring blessings wherever they go. They remind us to count our blessings and to cultivate an attitude of gratitude for the abundance in our lives.
Blossoms: Symbolize renewal, vitality, and the beauty of fleeting moments. Blossoms represent the ephemeral nature of life and the importance of cherishing each moment. They remind us to embrace the beauty of impermanence and to savor the joys of springtime while they last.
Rainbows: Reflect the beauty of diversity, hope, and the promise of brighter days ahead. Rainbows symbolize transformation, healing, and the integration of light and shadow. They remind us that even during darkness, there is always the potential for beauty and joy to emerge.
Seeds: Represent potential, growth, and the promise of new beginnings. Seeds symbolize the fertile ground from which new life emerges and the infinite possibilities that lie within each tiny seed. They remind us to nurture our dreams and to plant the seeds of intention for the future.
Nests: Signify home, safety, and the nurturing energy of the maternal instinct. Nests represent the place where new life begins and the importance of creating a supportive environment for growth. They remind us to cherish our homes and to cultivate a sense of security and belonging.
Raindrops: Symbolize cleansing, renewal, and the purifying energy of spring showers. Raindrops represent the nourishing waters that replenish the earth and awaken dormant seeds. They remind us to release what no longer serves us and to embrace the cleansing power of renewal.
Caterpillars: Represent transformation, patience, and the journey of personal growth. Caterpillars symbolize the process of metamorphosis and the gradual unfolding of one’s potential. They remind us that change takes time, and that true transformation requires patience and perseverance.
Dragonflies: Signify adaptability, agility, and the ability to navigate change with grace. Dragonflies are known for their swift movements and their ability to dart effortlessly through the air. They remind us to embrace change as an opportunity for growth and to trust in our own ability to adapt to new circumstances.
Rainclouds: Symbolize emotional release, purification, and the cleansing of stagnant energy. Rainclouds represent the storms of life that bring renewal and growth in their wake. They remind us that it’s okay to let go of what no longer serves us and to allow ourselves to be cleansed by the healing waters of change.
Frogs: Represent fertility, abundance, and the life-giving power of water. Frogs are associated with rain and the replenishment of the earth’s water sources. They remind us to honor the cycles of nature and to trust in the abundance that flows to us when we align with the natural rhythms of the earth.
Dragon Eggs: Signify protection, strength, and the awakening of inner fire. Dragon eggs are symbols of power and resilience, representing the potential for transformation and growth. They remind us to tap into our inner strength and to harness the fiery energy that lies within us.
Mushrooms: Symbolize resilience, regeneration, and the ability to thrive in challenging environments. Mushrooms are often found growing in dark, damp places, yet they emerge as symbols of life and vitality. They remind us to find beauty and opportunity even in the most unlikely of places.
Spirals: Represent interconnectedness, evolution, and the cyclical nature of life. Spirals are ancient symbols found in nature, from seashells to galaxies, representing the journey of the soul and the eternal cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. They remind us that life is a journey of growth and transformation, leading us ever onward in our quest for understanding and enlightenment.
Hearts: Symbolize love, compassion, and the interconnectedness of all beings. Hearts represent the universal bond that connects us to one another and to the earth. They remind us to cultivate love and kindness in our hearts and to nurture our relationships with care.
Crescent Moons: Signify intuition, feminine energy, and the cycles of the moon. Crescent moons are symbols of the divine feminine and the ever-changing nature of life. They remind us to honor our intuition and to embrace the ebb and flow of our emotions.
Stars: Represent guidance, inspiration, and the infinite possibilities of the universe. Stars are symbols of hope and guidance, shining brightly in the darkness to light our way forward. They remind us to trust in our own inner light and to follow our dreams with courage and determination.
Triangles: Signify balance, harmony, and the union of body, mind, and spirit. Triangles are symbols of strength and stability, representing the interconnectedness of all things. They remind us to strive for balance in our lives and to honor the sacred connection between ourselves and the world around us.
Sunbursts: Represent vitality, energy, and the life-giving power of the sun. Sunbursts are symbols of warmth and light, radiating energy and vitality into the world. They remind us to embrace the energy of the sun and to celebrate the abundance and growth that it brings.
Seeds: Symbolize potential, growth, and the cycle of life. Seeds are the source of new life, containing the potential for growth and transformation. They remind us to plant seeds of intention and to nurture our dreams with care and dedication.

© The Equinox Apothecary 2024 – Permission is granted to copy and reproduce this Ritual with attribution


Decorating eggs for Ostara is not just a tradition; it’s a heartfelt expression of our connection to the Earth’s cycles and the renewal of life that spring brings. As you delve into this creative endeavor, remember that each stroke of color and every symbol you choose carries significance, weaving a tapestry of meaning that celebrates the essence of the season. Whether you’re honoring ancient traditions or infusing your own unique flair into designs, let the process reflect your connection to the natural world and the joy of welcoming new beginnings. So, gather your supplies, unleash your imagination, and embark on this journey of creativity and celebration. May your Ostara be filled with vibrant colors, abundant blessings, and the magic of renewal!


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