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Spell: Mabon Release & Renewal

Mabon Release and Renew Spell

Approx. Reading time: About 3 Minutes

Mabon Release and Renew Spell


Weaving Magic into the Equinox

As the vibrant colors of autumn transform the landscape and the crispness of the air heralds the arrival of fall, the energies of Mabon call us to immerse ourselves in the enchanting rituals and spellwork that resonate with the season’s themes. Mabon, the autumn equinox, is a time of balance, gratitude, and transformation—a moment when we can harness the potent energies of the equinox to bring about positive change in our lives. This article guides you through a powerful spell that captures the essence of Mabon’s magic, inviting you to embrace the equinox with intention and wonder.

Release and Renewal Spell
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Spell: Mabon Release and Renewal

In this sacred time, as the daylight hours and nighttime darkness are held in perfect balance, Mabon presents the ideal moment to engage in spellwork that focuses on releasing what no longer serves you and inviting renewal into your life. The Release and Renewal Spell is a powerful ritual designed to help you let go of negative energies, habits, or situations and replace them with positive, transformative forces.
Prep Time10 minutes
Casting Time30 minutes
Total Time40 minutes
Spell Type: Mabon
Type: Spells
Author: Theo, Witch


  • 1 heat-safe container


  • 1 piece paper (or parchment)
  • 1 piece string or ribbon
  • 1 candle white or black



  • Begin by finding a quiet, sacred space where you feel safe and at peace.
  • Light your white or black candle, allowing its flickering flame to symbolize the release of negativity and the embrace of positive change. Let the gentle glow of the candlelight illuminate your intentions.

Writing Your Intentions

  • Take your piece of paper and your favorite pen—this paper will serve as your canvas for transformation.
  • On the paper, write down the negative energies, habits, or situations that have been weighing on your spirit. Be honest and specific, allowing your emotions to pour onto the paper as if you’re crafting a powerful potion in your cauldron.

Burning the Paper

  • Hold the paper in your hands, focusing on the negative energies you wish to release. Visualize these energies transferring onto the paper, much like ink soaking into parchment.
  • When you feel ready, ignite the edge of the paper using the candle’s flame, and place it in a heat-safe container as it burns. Watch as the fire consumes your words, turning them into ashes. As the paper is reduced to ashes, imagine the negative energies dissolving and dissipating from your life, like the dispersal of dark clouds after a storm.

Inviting Transformation

  • With the past released, turn your attention to the future. On a new piece of paper, write down the qualities, habits, or changes you wish to welcome into your life. Picture these intentions taking root within you, growing strong and resilient like seeds in fertile soil.

Creating the Talisman

  • Carefully fold the paper containing your intentions, binding it with a piece of string or ribbon. This talisman serves as a tangible reminder of your journey toward positive change, a charm that carries your intentions with you wherever you go.

Sealing the Spell

  • Hold your talisman close, close your eyes, and take a deep breath. Visualize yourself standing at the threshold of transformation, ready to embrace the change you’ve set in motion.
  • As you breathe out, extinguish the candle’s flame, sealing your spell with the knowledge that you have set the wheels of transformation in motion. Feel the energy of renewal coursing through you, like a warm breeze on an autumn day.

© The Equinox Apothecary 2024 – Permission is granted to copy and reproduce this Recipe with attribution


Mabon’s magic is an invitation to connect with the energies of the season and use them as catalysts for positive change. Whether you are releasing negativity through the Release and Renewal Spell or crafting other rituals to celebrate the harvest and balance, these practices align with Mabon’s themes of transformation and growth. By embracing these rituals, you infuse the equinox with your own intentions, creating a powerful synergy between your magic and the energies of the season. As you journey through Mabon, may your path be illuminated with the golden light of autumn, guiding you toward renewal, abundance, and inner harmony.


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